As a child, you were most likely told, “You are what you eat.” Meaning, a healthy diet and lifestyle makes you a healthier person. But where you ever told, “You are what think”? If you are optimistic, you’ll naturally see the best in every situation. Contrarily, if you are pessimistic, you will find it difficult to see anything good come from a tough situation.


It’s difficult to find something good in a bad situation. We’ve all been there, when it seemed like things couldn’t get much worse than they already were. And yet, just when you think you’re about to see the light of day again, something else bad happens.

What do you do when you faith and hope are tested by “life”? How can you keep holding on to hope and the faith that something good can come out of something bad?

First, you must find something good. No matter how bad things get, there is always someone who is much worse off than you. Start by looking deliberately for the little things that are positive in your life. Concentrate on those only.-Self Improvement


When something bad happens, do you tend to take the weight of the world on your shoulders and bottle it up inside? The more you do this, the greater your risk is of health issues and/or bodily and emotional harm.-Self Improvement

You have to decide to shake it off and keep moving forward. Because if you don’t, if you choose to hold all that negative energy inside yourself, it will build up until you literally explode. Find a way to release the negative thoughts and feelings and make room for the positive ones.

Remember…you are what you think. If you think negative thoughts, you’ll attract more negative energy. If you maintain a positive mindset, you’ll be more likely to attract positivity.