Many people go through hard times which usually leads them to go astray in order to cope. They give in to vices (like fatty food) or substance abuse that affects their physical, mental and emotional health in the long run. Bad habits develop as people use these vices or take illegal substances regularly.
Some start drinking alcohol until they can barely stand up. Others will try a stick of cigarettes until they consume several packs a day. There are others who explore prescription and illegal substances until it turns into a bad addiction. Some make everyday things like food part of their coping mechanism and will not and cannot stop the bad habit they developed even if the original crisis is over.- Self Improvement
Some of you reading this will definitely relate to this kind of situation. Sometimes, hard trials in life really make you vulnerable to developing bad habits just to cope.
However, these bad habits are not supposed to be part of your reality. They stunt your growth as a person. Eliminate bad habits to improve your well-being and show more confidence.
Here are effective ways to eliminate bad habits.- Self Improvement
1. Start Now
The biggest challenge stopping your bad habits is making the decision to start a clean and healthy living. Decide to make a change today with firm resolve to kick the bad habit.
2. Look at the Negative Effects of Your Bad Habit
Most people who deal with bad habits are actually aware of the negative consequences of their addiction or abuse. It helps to know the reality of the negative side effects of your bad habit rather than just knowing the facts. Seeing it for real creates a different and usually deeper impact on a person.
Keep tabs on the effects that bad habits can cause your being. Remind yourself of the cons whenever you feel the temptation.
3. Know the Good Effects of Change
You also have to motivate yourself constantly to hold on to your goal. Eliminating bad habits is not an overnight activity, which is why you have to commit to this mission until you achieve it.
Knowing the positive effects of a good change will definitely help. Just think of the more harmonious relationship you can engender with your family and friends once you are not a slave to your vices anymore.-Self Improvement
4. Come Up with New Habits or Routines
Relapses are an inherent danger in trying to quit a bad habit. Sometimes the temptation is too strong and very difficult to deny. This is why it is important to come up with healthier options when it comes to activities to keep yourself busy.
For example, you can explore pottery, painting or planting so you can keep yourself busy and creative at the same time. Engaging in a sport will also help. This is also a good opportunity to spend time with friends. Good habits can take the place of the bad habit for a healthier and happier you.
5. Consult a Professional Regularly
Professional aid can help in eliminating bad habits. They can look at your specific needs and address your issues accordingly. Regular consultation will also help to keep you in check.
6. Accept Support from People Who Care
Inform your family and friends you are making the big change. Announce that you are ridding yourself of your bad habits or vices so that they can also support you and help you along the way.-Self Improvement
7. Give Yourself a Good Reward
Follow your progress. See how well you are improving or how much more you still have to push yourself. Give yourself a reward. It can be for small steps or in anticipation of a leap of faith; the most important thing is motivating yourself through a reward for every milestone you achieve.
Rewards will definitely motivate you to meet your goal. You can give yourself the simple things like your favorite chocolate or a trip to the spa. This will make you feel even better about yourself because of the achievement.- Self Improvement
You want to eliminate your bad habits, even before they become bad addictions and abuses. So consider these effective steps to break your bad habits. These may not generate you overnight results, yet starting now takes you closer to improving your life.-Self Improvement
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