“That’s it! I’ve had enough!” You may subconsciously utter these words when life’s stressful challenges reach the peak of emotional exhaustion.

Formerly, the word “burn out” was used to describe busted electric bulbs. Somehow, the word burnout came to origin and is now also used to describe emotional drain in humans. For light bulbs, it is irreversible. Luckily for humans, this is only temporary; self-help remedies are readily available to get us out of this predicament.-Self Improvement

Apply these 8 tips:

1. Take time outs to savor the fresh scent of nature, especially flowers. The sight and the fragrance that flowers bring can be great relief to a tired, irritated, or dragged feeling. If you love nature, nothing is more invigorating than flowers and plants. They represent nature in its true essence.-Self Improvement

2. Examine if your burnout is a result of doing something you don’t like to do, yet you have to face it just the same. In such case, picture in your mind an image that you like to do and substitute this image to the thing you don’t like to do. Somehow, this strategy of imagery helps to lessen the tiring weight of the thing you despise to act upon. In the process, your task gets done with less resistance on your part and it would even probably reach the point that you would enjoy doing it. Before you even know it, the job is already done and probably with favorable results. -Self Improvement

3. Gather physical energy. Ginseng is an energy food. Most health food stores sell it. You can either take it as a tea drink or mix it in your cooking for a wholesome meal. Ginseng comes in a variety of strengths. The more potent it is, the better your physical (and mental) performance will be. If you’re not very familiar with it, just ask your health food store representative and they will gladly help you out.

4. Take time out to regain your composure. A burnout can be equated to an individual who could use a time out from the hustles of life. This is similar to a coach of a basketball team asking for a time out to come up with a winning game plan when his team is not playing at its peak. Take advantage of this time out to meditate and relax those frenzied nerves.

5. Take time out to empty your mind. Pick up and round up useful memories and discard those damaging emotions and negative thoughts.

6. Discover a newfound freedom, free from emotional drain. Go on a picnic with the family, a camping trip out in the woods, or a weekend excursion to a totally different environment.

7. Listen to relaxing music. It lifts us emotionally. You may want to choose specific sounds that can relieve a person from burnout like soft Classical melodies. -Self Improvement

8. Indulge. It’s quite common to hear from somebody: “I just want to get home and soak myself in a bathtub.” Quite true, this can help overcome burnout. Better yet, go to a spa where you can get a treatment package from massage to whirlpool baths.


Problems occur as a natural consequence of human life.
Often times, people get into deeper trouble when trying to solve problems. On a positive note, problems make one’s life exciting and these define a person’s character. One can take a positive view towards approaching his problems, but he should always face his problems in the right way.
Some people tend to block off their problems or hide and wait for these problems to disintegrate into thin air. Some people resort to the use of alcohol (or perhaps illegal drugs) to “forget” their problems. Perhaps drinking a couple of beers will help one think of a bright solution but it’s as far as drinking will take him. Implementing the plan to solve a problem requires additional elements.-Self Improvement
Here are some tips on how to take on your problem and be able to effectively resolve it:
1. Use your observational skills
This basic step is thought in primary school and can be applied in the real-life scenario. Many people tend to forget this primary step in solving a problem. -Self Improvement
Carefully observe the implications of a certain problem and try to infer on its possible causes. This move will give you a more comprehensive view of the whole scenario that is essential towards arriving at a holistic solution.-Self Improvement
2. Dissect the problem and search for the root cause
Problems may present themselves as a consequence or the root of other problems. It is best that you target the main cause of the problem. This way, all the other problems that come along with it can be solved as well. Make sure that the problem that you are trying to address is the root and not the consequence. Problems are like weeds. Unless you take out the roots, these will just keep coming back to hurt you.-Self Improvement
3. Maximize resources
Problems will vary in nature and therefore, the approaches will vary. However, problem solving will always involve the use of resources. Resources will not always refer to physical resources, but to your capacities in delivering results. Choose an approach that matches your resources.-Self Improvement
4. Seek many choices
Always look at all the choices and alternatives available. Aristotle tells us that there should always be a third choice when addressing a problem. A problem is never exclusively in black or white. There will always be gray areas. If you only have two choices, think harder.-Self Improvement
5. Maintain a positive attitude
Failure is bound to happen sometimes. However, when a problem is not solved, do not ever lose hope especially if you did your best. Some solutions are never meant to work or perhaps the problem will be solved by another individual. What matters most are the lessons that you will learn in trying to solve the said problem.
A journey contains experiences that can never be encountered in the destination. Life itself is a journey and troubles are part of this journey. -Self Improvement
Losing your battles every once in a while is normal but you should always remember the lessons that you learn from each battle and come back stronger the next time around.


We encounter problems all the time, be it in school, at home, or at work. Some may be as simple as one plus one; others are as complicated as getting an elephant inside a refrigerator. However, no matter how complex the problem may be, there are many ways to reach a solution.-Self Improvement

Here are some creative tips to problem solving:

1. Clearly describe the problem.

Try to explain the nature of the problem, however, make sure that you describe the problem and not what you perceive will be possible solutions to it. Writing it down may help. In addition, drawing it out or sketching it can be another way of visualizing the problem. Sometimes, words create hindrances in the way people think. Flow charts or drawings can help the problem solver to make relationships, connections, or steps that lead to a solution.-Self Improvement

Associations can be of great help. Associating similar concepts or ideas may help in determining the nature of your problem. Nevertheless, the problem solver should still note the differences between the concepts being associated. Furthermore, try looking at problems from different perspectives. Sometimes, reading between the lines is essential. -Self Improvement

2. Use your time wisely.

Consider the time you have in solving your problem. Don't expect to think of the solution immediately. Utilize your breaks if you’re not making any progress. Prioritizing is important. Analyze which problems should be dealt with first. -Self Improvement

3. Before subjecting yourself to gruesome thinking
, think of possible solutions, even those that seem to be impossible, then engage in relaxing activities.

This activity will increase the probability of your subconscious coming up with a solution. Even though the solution may be far fetched or out of this world, this will help brain stimulation. Solutions generated in the 'relaxed mode' may be more practical and realistic as compared to normal solutions. -Self Improvement

4. Think of flexible solutions rather the standards already available.

Flexible solutions are favored over protocol or standards. This may aid in smoother implementation when applying it to the problem. An example is flexible working hours for employees. Through this, the employees have more time for other activities. This may address staffing shortage in a company.

Although flexibility is preferred, sometimes standardization is the key, depending on the context. Standards give order and control to a situation. However, given the current trends in our society and the increasing competition in different fields, flexibility can be really handy.

5. Know if the problem is already solved or if you’re not actually solving the problem.

As stated, it is imperative that you know when there is no more problem or if you are not really targeting the problem. Monitoring your solutions will aid in the decision making on whether to change the chosen solution or to stick with it. A completion criterion can help you in analyzing if the problem has been solved.-Self Improvement

6. Gain knowledge from the experts.

You are facing a problem because you are not familiar with the situation. Asking for help is not bad or humiliating. Remember that the people who have faced similar problems have knowledge on how to handle it. Bear in mind that it’s not the titles that separate the experts. It is their understanding of the problem that will quantify if they have the expert opinion. -Self Improvement

7. Deal with the root causes.

It is not a great idea to focus on the insignificant impacts of the problem. To solve a problem, focus on the root. This technique will eliminate other problems that branch out of it. Ideas arise naturally when the root of the problem is identified. Successful identification of the root of the problem is attained when you have specific steps that will lead to a solution. -Self Improvement

8. Involve the involved and remove the extraneous.

Do the things you need to do. Avoid engaging in activities that do not help in eliminating the problem. This will only consume time and effort that should have been allotted to problem solving. Also, involve the people who can help with the problem. Don't forget to express gratitude to those people who have helped. Nonetheless, remember: too many cooks spoil the broth. -Self Improvement

9. Be prepared when something goes wrong.

Have a back up plan when problem solving. A solution to your problem involves the solution itself and the possible alternatives that will be handy when things go wrong.

Again, problem solving include:

1. Clearly describe the problem.
2. Use your time wisely.
3. Before subjecting yourself to gruesome thinking, think of possible solutions, even those that seem to be impossible, then engage in relaxing activities.
4. Think of flexible solutions rather the standards already available.
5. Know if the problem is already solved or if you’re not actually solving the problem.
6. Gain knowledge from the experts.
7. Deal with the root causes.
8. Involve the involved and remove the extraneous.
9. Be prepared when something goes wrong.

These are just a few ways to aid in problem solving. Remember that you must analyze the problem very well so that you may apply these tips to solve them.


Life is too short not to enjoy, so while you still have time, let your hair down and remove that “Boring” tag in your so-called life and start making it worthwhile. Below are some tips that will help you escape from your self-made rut and start controlling how you spend each waking hour of your day.-Self Improvement

Keep a Positive Atmosphere.

Stop whining about the things you don’t have and how wrecked you think your life is. Rather, enjoy what you have and work on getting the things you desire. Psychologists believe that optimism is a good defense against unhappiness, so it is better to keep your optimism alive. Moaning about your life will only attract negative vibes, so be wary. -Self Improvement

Don’t Be Afraid to Take Risks.

Life is all about taking risks; and that’s the exciting part of it. Get out of your comfort zone and don’t be afraid of rejection. Challenges and failure are part of life. Once you learn how to take risks, you’ll soon realize how good it feels not to let moments pass you by. Trust me, you’ll get more out of life than what you are asking for, if you keep on trying.-Self Improvement

Carpe Diem.

Enjoy the present and let go of the past. You only have one life, so make it worthwhile. Brooding on the past just hinders you from the things you should be enjoying at the present.

List The Things You Want to Do.

Stop lazing around and give yourself something to be busy about. Write down a list of all the things you want to do and make a timeline, not to stress you out, but to remind you of your goals. Say, for example, you make a list of all the places you want to visit before you turn forty. No matter how unrealistic your dreams are, still jot them down. As what Paulo Coelho stressed in his book The Alchemist, “It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.” So don’t put limits to yourself because you’ll never know what may happen.-Self Improvement

Try Out Something New.

Getting into something or trying something unfamiliar for you may seem scary, but nothing is more fulfilling than being able to conquer your fear. If you are afraid of heights, try bungee jumping or sky diving, even just once. Who knows? You might enjoy it! The world is a big place and there are still a lot of things waiting to be explored by you. Do the things you never did or even imagined doing before. Go to a foreign place where you know no one. Eat something exotic. And, yes, even the littlest act of donning short hair, when you have lived all your life sporting long hair, still counts.


“That’s it! I’ve had enough!” You may subconsciously utter these words when life’s stressful challenges reach the peak of emotional exhaustion.

Formerly, the word “burn out” was used to describe busted electric bulbs. Somehow, the word burnout came to origin and is now also used to describe emotional drain in humans. For light bulbs, it is irreversible. Luckily for humans, this is only temporary; self-help remedies are readily available to get us out of this predicament.-Self Improvement

Apply these 8 tips:

1. Take time outs to savor the fresh scent of nature, especially flowers. The sight and the fragrance that flowers bring can be great relief to a tired, irritated, or dragged feeling. If you love nature, nothing is more invigorating than flowers and plants. They represent nature in its true essence.-Self Improvement

2. Examine if your burnout is a result of doing something you don’t like to do, yet you have to face it just the same. In such case, picture in your mind an image that you like to do and substitute this image to the thing you don’t like to do. Somehow, this strategy of imagery helps to lessen the tiring weight of the thing you despise to act upon. In the process, your task gets done with less resistance on your part and it would even probably reach the point that you would enjoy doing it. Before you even know it, the job is already done and probably with favorable results. -Self Improvement

3. Gather physical energy. Ginseng is an energy food. Most health food stores sell it. You can either take it as a tea drink or mix it in your cooking for a wholesome meal. Ginseng comes in a variety of strengths. The more potent it is, the better your physical (and mental) performance will be. If you’re not very familiar with it, just ask your health food store representative and they will gladly help you out.

4. Take time out to regain your composure. A burnout can be equated to an individual who could use a time out from the hustles of life. This is similar to a coach of a basketball team asking for a time out to come up with a winning game plan when his team is not playing at its peak. Take advantage of this time out to meditate and relax those frenzied nerves.

5. Take time out to empty your mind. Pick up and round up useful memories and discard those damaging emotions and negative thoughts.

6. Discover a newfound freedom, free from emotional drain. Go on a picnic with the family, a camping trip out in the woods, or a weekend excursion to a totally different environment.

7. Listen to relaxing music. It lifts us emotionally. You may want to choose specific sounds that can relieve a person from burnout like soft Classical melodies. -Self Improvement

8. Indulge. It’s quite common to hear from somebody: “I just want to get home and soak myself in a bathtub.” Quite true, this can help overcome burnout. Better yet, go to a spa where you can get a treatment package from massage to whirlpool baths.


Does a weary, tired, hackneyed feeling, where the best time of the day is going to bed and the worst time is getting out of it, overwhelm you? Do you still feel weary and tired even after getting a good night’s rest? Do you keep tossing and turning the whole night through?-Self Improvement.

The problem may seem to be physical, but a large slice of it is psychological. Perhaps you are aware of the cause of the problem. You may also have the solution in sight. Follow a balanced diet, exercise regularly, get enough rest, avoid stress-inducing activities, think positive, take away those negative habits, get enthusiastic about life, and set a goal. You know all about these things, but the challenge is how to find the interest, energy, time, and initiative to act and stay active in the pool of solutions.-Self Improvement

The suggestions below may trigger your interest.

Try your best to find out what makes you feel weary. Is it your present status in life? Is it the surroundings or environment you’re living in? Does the frustrating news in the papers, radio, or TV pull you down? Do disappointments in life make you feel like giving up any interest to achieve something? -Self Improvement

Whatever your reason is, get a hold of yourself. Think of those people who try their best to overcome their adversities in life despite impairments or handicaps. They never give up. They strive. They keep on. Do they touch you in the heart? If they do, that’s good; because at this very moment, you have just decided to do something good with yourself. Do you know the first thing you need to do to get interested in life? Reach out to the less fortunate right now. -Self Improvement

One of the most rewarding activities in life is helping those in need. Make sure that you’re helping those who are really in need, not the ones who disguise themselves to be in need. This way, your efforts do not go for naught.

Knowing how it feels to help the needy, you must be thirsting for something to make you successful in life so that you will be in a better position to stretch out your helpful hands.-Self Improvement

To be successful, you have to decide what you want to do with your life. If you’re undecided, here are some tips: What do you love to do? What are your talents or skills? What does your community need? You'll definitely come
up with something worth doing. Formulate it. Plan it.

After deciding and planning, act on it pronto! Don’t delay. Don’t have second thoughts. Don’t dilly-dally. Be firm and stay focused.-Self Improvement

With that worn-out feeling gone, welcome yourself to a life full of vigor and vitality.


The best you can be -– Everybody aspires for this.

What you think as your best might not be the best for somebody else. What might be the best for others may not necessarily be the best for you too. Confusing, right?

Being the best varies from one individual to another. Being the best depends on perception. -Self Improvement

So how do you become the best that you can be? Good habits can lead you to your best. Your effort must be energized and directed to attain this one single aspiration.

Science can provide us with an explanation on this. The human brain undergoes a selective absorption process. Part of the human brain is a system of interconnected cells that are responsible for absorbing only incoming information that you want to accept via your senses. It is like a strainer collecting data for your brain. These cells take in only the information you are interested in and dispose unwanted or nuisance information. Retained information is then processed to become part of you, which eventually becomes part of your habits.-Self Improvement

For instance, your breakfast will not be complete without a cup of black coffee. Even if you have bacon, eggs, and hash browns in the morning, breakfast is complete without a cup of black coffee to cap it off. You do not feel complete and satisfied the whole day because something is missing early on. Even if you have nothing else but black coffee, you consider your day complete as far as you are concerned. This habit is part of you. Without this particular habit, you are not you.-Self Improvement

Your habits make you what you are. Bad habits are inclined to drag you to failure. The opposite can be true. Good habits lead you to success and will reap rewards that you deserve.

When you eliminate a bad habit, you actually create a vacuum within you. What used to be a bad habit isn’t there anymore. The likelihood of the bad habit being replaced by a different bad habit is a possibility. -Self Improvement

This makes it imperative that the eliminated bad habit be replaced by a good habit. In essence, you have to keep on repeating the new good habit until it becomes an integral part of you. The secret is practice. Keep on doing the new habit. You will notice a tremendous change in you to be the best you can be.

Practice makes perfect. If you are a lousy dancer, try to visualize yourself as a graceful dancer. Keep doing this daily and you will be amazed of the improvements. What used to be farthest from your mind is now a part of you by way of practice.-Self Improvement

Decide and commit to change your bad habits. Have a contract with yourself. If you enter into contracts with others, can’t you do the same thing to yourself? If you trust others to do their part of the contract, would you deny yourself this trust? Certainly, you deserve better treatment! Care for your own, by being strict with yourself. You are your own beneficiary anyway. -Self Improvement

A habit can make or break you. Don’t be a slave to your bad habit. Counteract this by replacing it with one or more good ones that will bring the best out of you.


Success is not just reserved for a chosen few. Everyone, yes everyone, has the capacity to be successful in every area of his or her life. Success results from cultivating certain habits and sticking to them.-Self Improvement

Consistency is a must. Successful people have a certain type of personality. Successful people think in a particular way, talk in a particular way and act in a particular way.

Do you want to be successful too? Here are 11 principles of success that are bound to help you if you follow them.-Self Improvement

1. Develop a clear vision of what exactly you want to achieve in your life. Carry this vision in your mind at all times. This is the starting point to success.-Self Improvement

2. Believe without any doubt that you will achieve your dreams.

3. Stay away from negative influences such as negative people, books, articles, etc. Surround yourself with things that boost your belief in yourself and your future success.

4. Take responsibility for your future. Do not depend on anybody. Take responsibility for your life and don't doubt success.-Self Improvement

5. Make a habit of repeating positive affirmations. Speak out your affirmations in present tense as opposed to future tense. Writing down affirmations is even more effective. This helps your mind stay fixed and focused on your goals. This is also a good way to build your self-confidence and deepen your beliefs. -Self Improvement

6. Make a firm commitment to action. Once you decide to take action, stay committed and never give up! Once you deter from commitment, your belief becomes shaky and unstable. If this happens, your efforts will collapse like a deck of cards. You will have wasted all the time and energy you invested in your efforts. So stay committed. -Self Improvement

7. Set a specific goal. If you know what you really want to achieve, you need to define it by making it a goal. Set specific goals. Your goals should be precise, measurable, realistic and timed.

8. Work out a plan of action. Break down your plan into smaller tasks or units. Do your task in smaller steps. Take one step or two each day while reminding yourself that each step is taking you closer to your goal. Your actions should be filled with faith, determination and purpose. Consistency is vital to reach your goal. -Self Improvement

9. Never give up until you have achieved what you desire. Persistence is the key to success. Treat every failure as a learning opportunity. But push yourself towards your goal with stronger faith.

10. Maintain an attitude of gratitude, realizing that your dream is becoming a reality. Look around you and be grateful for things that you already have such as a home, loving family, etc. Just stay grateful.

11. Be a giver - give your time, money and service to others. Be kind and generous to all.

Now you know the principles of success. Act on it with faith and persistence - and never give up!


The human body has the capability of protecting itself from various diseases through its immune system. We do not discount the fact that the immune systems of some people are healthier than that of others. -Self Improvement

Why is this so? The answer lies in the fact that your disposition in life affects your health significantly. If you develop a positive attitude, you will also develop toughness to overcome adversities that may come your way. Researchers have proven that mental health has much to do with physical health. A healthy mental attitude results to a healthy body, which in turn results to a more productive life.

Stick to these personality factors and you’re well on your way to developing toughness:

Build a strong commitment to self, family, community, work, and almost all other values of your daily life. Instill the importance of quality living. This will drastically improve your psychological and physical well being. What the mind contributes to a healthy body, the body will reciprocate. The mind and body works in tandem, as a team. Without one, the other is helpless. But when both are healthy, the results can be astonishing. -Self Improvement

Develop a positive guiltless disposition. When you say guiltless, you must be willing to accept whatever comes your way. For example, if you do your best to reduce your risk of acquiring health problems but some illnesses still develop nonetheless, you must never feel guilty for what seems to be a failure. Don’t let problems pull you down. Stand firm.-Self Improvement

Make sure you have full control of your life. This is one quality tough people are made of. You should have no problem managing the things you can control. Controlling does not mean dominating. Respect other people’s rights and get the same in return. Accept things you cannot control the way they are, if you cannot do without them. If you can do without them, leave them and divert your attention to something else that will make your life more meaningful.-Self Improvement

Adjust to change and use it to your advantage. Tough people welcome change as an opportunity to improve, rather than a threat. Even if it is a threat, you can come out one level better than before psychologically, despite all the beatings you might have taken physically. You learn from your mistakes. Adopt a “Next time, I know what I’m going to do to avoid the same mistake” attitude. There is always a first time and there will always be a next time. The succeeding times will always be better than the previous ones (if you learn from your mistakes). The setbacks will keep getting lesser while success will keep getting closer at hand. This is progress at work. -Self Improvement

If you have children, develop toughness in their attitude at an early age. Provide strong parental encouragement and acceptance. When children feel accepted, this develops in them a sturdy attitude of commitment to others. Assign casual tasks to them so that they can feel their place in life. Teach them how to become independent and responsible. It pays to enhance their toughness at an early age.

What a foundation is to a building, toughness is to people. The foundation of a building is made strong at the start of construction, while the foundation of tough people is enhanced through a continuous process of trials and adjustments.


Even the most even-tempered person in the world feels slighted once in a while. And if your feelings were hurt by someone else, it’s easy to carry a grudge around. Unfortunately, grudges are like luggage – the stuff inside is important but if you carry it around too long, you’ll start to feel the weight and the bothersome discomfort of hauling around something that big. Okay you were the one in the right and the other person was the one who committed the offense. But admit it – carrying that grudge becomes old, right? You reach a point where it even sours your outlook on life. So, why don’t you do something about it?-Self Improvement

First, don’t wait for the other person to apologize. Look back and think about what happened and then start forgetting about it. Realize that you are giving too much power to the other person by allowing the hurt to rule your emotions. So rise above that emotion and forget about it. Eventually, you’ll find it in your heart to forgive the offender. -Self Improvement

You can also place yourself in the other person’s shoes. Imagine if you’re the one who, knowingly or unknowingly, offended somebody else. You would want to be forgiven too right? Always remember that nobody’s perfect and you can’t always be in control of your actions. A great example is when you suddenly blurt out a comment about someone’s hair or clothes or weight and it was taken as a criticism rather than just a simple remark. You never meant to hurt but it happened. So too should you view the offense done to you. -Self Improvement

If you have to do something physical about the grudge, opt to talk to the other person about it. If you are able to re-establish your connection with the other party, start with a simple greeting and work from there. Even if you can’t get the relationship back on the previous level, it doesn’t matter. It will take time to repair a connection no matter how small the grudge is. However, if you can’t bring yourself to approach the offender or you’re not interested in getting the friendship back, do something symbolic to lay the grudge to rest. You can write about it and just burn the paper or tear it up into little pieces before tossing it all away. Just do something to let the hurt go. -Self Improvement

Once you let go of the grudge, you’ll feel free and, for lack of a better word, lighter than before


"Two men look out through the same bars: One sees mud and the other one sees stars," says Frederick Langbridge, author of A Cluster of Quiet Thoughts.-Self Improvement

Life is about choices. You may opt to adopt a pessimist’s view and live a self-defeated life; or decide to take the optimist’s route and live a challenging and fulfilling life.

Optimism relates to positive mood, good morale, all forms of success, popularity, good health, long life, and freedom from trauma.-Self Improvement

Depression and pessimism affect middle-aged adults and younger people. The mean age of onset has gone from 30 to 15 years old. It now affects both middle-aged homemakers and teen-agers.
How do you nurture an optimist’s point of view? Here are some tips:

1. Optimists expect the best

The defining characteristic of pessimists is that they focus on bad events and undermine everything they do. Bad events also happen to optimists. However, they maintain the opposite view. They believe that defeat is a temporary setback. -Self Improvement

2. Optimists use 'positive reinterpretation’

Such people are unfazed by a bad situation, they perceive it as a challenge to make them learn and grow. They don’t say “Things will never get better,” “If I failed once, it will happen again”, and “If I experience misfortune in one part of my life, then it will happen in my whole life.”
Positive expectancies result in better reactions during transitions to new environments and sudden tragedies. When the going gets tough, optimists get tougher.

3. Optimists are proactive and less dependent on others for their happiness
They find no need to control or manipulate people. They naturally draw people to them. Their optimistic view of the world is contagious and influences others.

Optimism is a socially desirable trait in all communities. Optimists often win elections and are more popular. People treat pessimists and those who spread gloom, panic, and hysteria unfavorably. -Self Improvement

4. Optimists persevere

Pessimists react to a stressful event by denying its existence or simply avoiding it. Pessimists are more likely to quit when a difficulty arises.

Optimists don’t give up easily. They are patient. They take small steps towards their goal or dream. Because of this healthy disposition, optimists are healthier and they live longer.-Self Improvement

Medical research shows that a positive outlook can cause measurable increase in the body's ability to fight disease. Optimists age well and outlive those prone to negative thoughts.
Be an optimist. Look forward to success in all your endeavors. Be resilient. Like everybody else, you are bound to hit low points but do not just stay there. More importantly, inspire others to remove their dark-colored glasses and begin to see life’s bright side.-Self Improvement


The American writer Henry David Thoreau once said “I find it wholesome to be alone the greater part of the time. To be in company even with the best of friends, is soon wearisome and dissipating. I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was as companionable as solitude.” Some would probably comment “what a sad man!” but if you stop and think about it, Thoreau is right. There are times that you really wish everyone would just fade away and leave you alone. Is it right to crave solitude some times? The answer is a resounding YES. In fact, it should be a requirement to balance out your life.-Self Improvement

Being alone rests your soul from the constant need to interact. It frees you from the obligations of social interactions. You can be quiet and not worry that you’re being rude. You can eat what you want; do what you want to do; walk as fast or as slow as you want without having to think of someone else's opinion. Wouldn’t it be great to have only yourself to deal with?-Self Improvement

Being alone helps you focus. This is perfect time to talk to yourself – look back on the triumphs and tears; deal with the present; and dream of the future. You can come up with plans on what you’d like to do. Get the house in order. Go places you’ve always planned to visit. Start that book you’ve been planning to write forever. Make decisions on issues as complicated as where to get your kid’s college tuition; to something as simple as what color the new wallpaper should be. The freedom of your own choice is beyond exciting!-Self Improvement

Being alone allows you to feed the inner YOU. Whether the inner you wants triple chocolate with double dutch ice cream or to be lost in the world of the latest blockbuster movie, the important thing is – it’s YOU time. Solitude gives you time to pamper your spirit and ask how it’s doing. Does it still feel loved? Or have you forgotten how it wants to commune with a Higher Spirit too? Being alone also makes you think hard and see if you like who or what you’ve become. Imagine the inner YOU as a different person – would you be worth knowing? Would you be happy spending time with this imaginary person? If you answer yes, then you are complete in every way that counts. -Self Improvement

You should be your own best friend. So spend time with this friend and enjoy being alone – it’s a guarantee that you’ll never be lonely.


The best you can be -– Everybody aspires for this.

What you think as your best might not be the best for somebody else. What might be the best for others may not necessarily be the best for you too. Confusing, right?

Being the best varies from one individual to another. Being the best depends on perception. -Self Improvement

So how do you become the best that you can be? Good habits can lead you to your best. Your effort must be energized and directed to attain this one single aspiration.

Science can provide us with an explanation on this. The human brain undergoes a selective absorption process. Part of the human brain is a system of interconnected cells that are responsible for absorbing only incoming information that you want to accept via your senses. It is like a strainer collecting data for your brain. These cells take in only the information you are interested in and dispose unwanted or nuisance information. Retained information is then processed to become part of you, which eventually becomes part of your habits.-Self Improvement

For instance, your breakfast will not be complete without a cup of black coffee. Even if you have bacon, eggs, and hash browns in the morning, breakfast is complete without a cup of black coffee to cap it off. You do not feel complete and satisfied the whole day because something is missing early on. Even if you have nothing else but black coffee, you consider your day complete as far as you are concerned. This habit is part of you. Without this particular habit, you are not you.-Self Improvement

Your habits make you what you are. Bad habits are inclined to drag you to failure. The opposite can be true. Good habits lead you to success and will reap rewards that you deserve.

When you eliminate a bad habit, you actually create a vacuum within you. What used to be a bad habit isn’t there anymore. The likelihood of the bad habit being replaced by a different bad habit is a possibility. -Self Improvement

This makes it imperative that the eliminated bad habit be replaced by a good habit. In essence, you have to keep on repeating the new good habit until it becomes an integral part of you. The secret is practice. Keep on doing the new habit. You will notice a tremendous change in you to be the best you can be.

Practice makes perfect. If you are a lousy dancer, try to visualize yourself as a graceful dancer. Keep doing this daily and you will be amazed of the improvements. What used to be farthest from your mind is now a part of you by way of practice.-Self Improvement

Decide and commit to change your bad habits. Have a contract with yourself. If you enter into contracts with others, can’t you do the same thing to yourself? If you trust others to do their part of the contract, would you deny yourself this trust? Certainly, you deserve better treatment! Care for your own, by being strict with yourself. You are your own beneficiary anyway. -Self Improvement

A habit can make or break you. Don’t be a slave to your bad habit. Counteract this by replacing it with one or more good ones that will bring the best out of you.


Who do you consider as your worst enemy? The criminals roaming the dark streets? Your boss who's killing you mentally and emotionally with stress and harsh words? The people in public office who are engaging in greed and corruption, instead of helping those in need? Or those who don't believe in the same almighty being as you do?-Self Improvement

We have many implications of who our enemies are; but we have one common foe who is the main cause of our failures and misfortunes, and we're not even aware of this opponent.

You may not want to admit it, but our worst enemy is ourselves.

Who do you blame when something goes wrong? You blame the people around you, the weather, maybe even God. But we are the ones who are in control of ourselves. We can change the outcome of our lives because we have the capacity to do it.-Self Improvement

It is fear, jealousy, greed,
etc. that are ruining our lives. Some people who never manage to get out of poverty blame the government or their jobs. But they're too afraid to try out new ventures that may improve their lives. They half-heartedly go to work from 9 to 5. Then when the day is done, they watch TV and go out aimlessly having fun without seriously thinking of what great opportunities the future has in store for them, if only they would try to do something different with their lives.

Fear has caused many to remain frigid and to never go out exploring the wonderful things this world has to offer. A lot of people would rather stay where they are in an unsatisfied state than to risk difficulties and obstacles for the sake of attaining their dreams.-Self Improvement

If their lives are not getting any better, they have no else to blame but themselves.

Jealousy and envy also cause relationship problems. Some people immediately jump to conclusions without first analyzing the situation. They let their sudden emotions control their behaviors without even thinking of the consequences that may result.-Self Improvement

If they're having problems with their relationships, they have no else to blame but themselves.
This goes to show that we decide what will happen to us. Of course, there are circumstances that are beyond our control, like natural calamities. But we can still utilize to our best advantage the things that we have control of.

For instance, you got rejected by your dream girl. Some people would just get drunk and feel miserable, thinking that it's the end of the world. Some will move onwards with their lives and find the best in what remains with them. See? It's really up to you. You decide if you want to have a good life or not.

You failed your exam. So what? There's another opportunity. You can just sulk in sorrow or you can study harder to get a high score in the future. It's up to you.-Self Improvement

There's no use crying over spilled milk. The past is in the past. Learn from it and move on. You don't have to get frustrated over your misfortunes. Concentrate on how you can improve in the future.

When we encounter problems, we can either succumb to it, or we can treat it as an opportunity to become stronger and to become better individuals. Winners always treat their dilemmas as opportunities.

Oh yes. We can be our worst enemy, but we can also be our best friend. It's all up to you.


Do you find it difficult to be assertive and say "no" to people's requests? Since there just aren't enough hours in the day to appease everyone, the art of saying "no" without hurting the feelings of others is an important skill to acquire.-Self Improvement

Saying "no" doesn't mean you have to be rude about it. There are plenty of polite, yet assertive, ways you can tell people "no" when you need to.

Here are some ways you can say "no" without being rude or impolite:

1. "No" to now, but "yes" to later. "I'm very busy at the moment. Perhaps someone else can help you. If not, I'll have time later in the week to help you out."

This is a great way to say "no." It's assertive, but also positive and kind. You let the person know there's no way you can do what they're asking at the moment. However, you give them the option to ask someone else or wait until you have the time to help out.

2. "No" unless something changes. "I'm very flattered that you've asked me. However, I'm not currently in a position where I can take on this responsibility. Could we talk about this at another time if there's a change in my circumstances?"

This statement says "no" while still being very polite. You let them know how thrilled you are that they've asked you, but then you're honest about how little time you have to commit to their request. -Self Improvement

3. A definitive "No."
"I hate to disappoint you, but I'm not able to do this. I'm afraid I'll overextend myself."

With this statement, you express regret for disappointing the person, yet you still let them know that this is a solid "no." No doubt they'll understand you don't want to overextend yourself, which makes them sympathetic to the plight you're in as well.

This answer is very kind and polite. Plus, it allows them to understand where you're coming from.

4. "No" to attend an event. "I had a great time before, but I won't be able to make it this time since I'm already overscheduled."

Sometimes you may get asked to an event you don't want to attend or that you just don't have the time for. You don't have to feel obligated to go. This statement lets the person know you've had a great time in the past, yet you're overscheduled or busy this time around. -Self Improvement

5. "No" to loaning money. "I really wish I could but I make it my practice not to loan money to friends and family."

Money is one thing that many people ask for from their friends and family. It's a difficult situation since you don't want to insult them or hurt their feelings. This statement is a nice way to be assertive and say "no" while still being kind.

You let them know that you wish you could loan them the money, yet you go on to explain why you won't. You make it clear that this is the practice you have for everyone, and you're not just saying "no" to him or her personally. -Self Improvement

For some reason, parents often feel the need to always say "yes." Whether it's working at a PTA function, helping in your child's classroom, or going to yet another classmate's birthday party, you may feel like these are things you must fit into your already busy schedule.-Self Improvement

However, you can take control of your family's calendar and your sanity by saying "no" to some offers that come your way. Saying "no" in a pleasant tone of voice won't lose any friends; but it will allow you to set boundaries so you can enjoy life rather than racing through it.


Outrageous lifestyles of the very successful are envied by most of the world. Are you part of the envied? Or are you part of the envying? If you are living a successful life by your own standards, congratulations. If you haven’t quite reached that level yet, then this article is for you.

There are several characteristics that those who practice successful living possess. The characteristics listed below are NOT any of them. In fact, they are the opposite. See if you possess these characteristics and, if you do, my advice to you is… change. -Self Improvement

The Dreadful Dud

The dreadful dud is the person who answers questions with one word. Any time there is anyone who wants to initiate a conversation with the Dreadful Dud, the conversation is dead before it gets started. These people are not mean or necessarily rude. They just don’t believe they have much to contribute, so they cut it short as much as possible. Consequently, the conversations become fewer and fewer.

Eventually, the Dreadful Dud gets the reputation of the dull guy or girl. Or you might say he or she is a dud. Don’t be a dud. Practice your natural personality. Did you know that you were created to enjoy life? Did you know that life is meant to be tasted? There are juices inside to be experienced. When was the last time you took a chance? Live life as it’s something to be loved. Practice makes perfect. Practice passion. Practice charisma. It’s who you really are.-Self Improvement

The Social Soloist

The Social Soloist is the person who never begins to live and love life. This person finds him/herself at home, alone, on the couch, every night, watching silly reality programs. The Social Soloist finds purpose in who is going to have to eat the next set of buffalo testicles or who is going to be kicked off an island.

The irony of the whole thing is the Social Soloist is at home experiencing nothing while he/she watches those who are actually living and loving life. Does that make sense? Instead of trying to escape through the boob tube, get out and meet people. If you must start small, invite some people over to watch a decent movie. Eventually, it will develop into a social fun time and, who knows, it just may move out of the TV room.-Self Improvement

The Pitiful Procrastinator

Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow. Ever hear that one? How ridiculous! Have you ever known anyone that lived by this motto? How frustrating! The Pitiful Procrastinator always finds him/herself stressed out and behind in life. Why? They keep putting it off! Everything is always put off until later. Nothing is ever done in time. And when it eventually gets done, it’s shoddy and half-way completed. They just want to hurry up and get over with… whatever “it” is. -Self Improvement

Laundry. Homework. Dishes. Meetings. Confrontation. Putting gas in the car. Changing Careers. You name it, it never gets done when it needs to get done. Life will pass the Pitiful Procrastinator by. And when it’s too late to make up his/her mind, regret will take hold. Do not let regret arise and dominate your mind. Instead, take control of your mind right now. Make a freakin list and stick by it! Don’t fall prey to the practice of the Pitiful Procrastinator. Remember, practice makes perfect.-Self Improvement

The Unknown Optimist

These people have such positive energy they could suck the life out of the room if they were to make a phone call during a New Years Eve party. While everyone is having such a good time, making plans and looking forward to the future, the unknown optimist looks to the dark side. The unknown optimist looks to the dark side of everything. If you were to tell this person that he just one $1,000.000.00, he would say something like, “Great! Now I’m going to be in a higher tax bracket and have to pay more taxes.”

The unknown optimist lives in a vacuum that you do not want to live in. It’s the “everything sucks” vacuum. Take inventory of your overall attitude. Don’t take the extreme opposite route either. If you go to the opposite extreme, you’ll find yourself on the Pollyanna platform. A great place to be is in the realistic but optimistic middle. While you’re there, be sure to live and love life.


“When you have come to the edge of all that you know and are about to step off into the darkness, faith is knowing one of two things will happen: there will be something solid to stand on, or you will be taught to fly.” – Richard Bach

It’s pretty normal for all of us to feel hesitant when we want to try something new. The underlying fear of failure is crippling. There are some who even fear getting what they want and finding out that it’s not really as great as they dreamed it to be. -Self Improvement

The first fear is totally understandable but there are some ways to go about it. Focus on trying something that’s simple and realistic first. It can be a new recipe; the new computer software or even the basics of a new language. The object of the game is to learn something to stimulate your senses and if you master it, think of the energy boost you’ll get! Slowly, you’ll start getting the courage to try something else – it could be another simple thing or a bit more complicated. A few more of these and you’ll be confident enough to try whatever goals you want to accomplish. -Self Improvement

The second fear can be re-worded as the fear of disappointment and is altogether as real as the fear of failure is. Some unfortunate thing probably happened after you achieved a dream that scared you to try something else. Your psyche associated the terrible outcome – a divorce, a disaster or a death – in the family with the achievement. Or it could be a dozen other different reasons. Whatever it was, you got trapped in the status quo. A psychological counselor can help those who’ve reached the point that this fear becomes a phobia but to those who can still recognize that they want to change, there’s still hope. Again, if there’s a will to change however slight it may be, there will be a way to do it. A single baby step toward a new goal is great – nobody expects a power walk at the first try anyway. -Self Improvement

Whatever fear you have, challenge yourself to face the obstacles. Problems are always there and so are their solutions. One easy thing to do that can help a lot is to have some sort of a mantra or an affirmation like: “I want to ____ and I choose to do ____ to achieve this.” It verbalizes your thoughts and helps you focus on the correct way to pull it off. There will be times when you’ll encounter some setbacks but take it slow, cut yourself some slack and try again. Eventually, you’ll get it.-Self Improvement


Subliminal learning refers to the absorption of information subconsciously. It is a learning process that exposes the brain to low-level images or visual information that passes below the limits of people’s perception. Studies show that it is an effective tool in reducing stress and motivating people. -Self Improvement

Subliminal learning works the subconscious mind in learning information without the need to focus or give full attention. In addition, it accesses the sense of hearing and sight to connect to the subconscious mind and to feed specific information without being noticed. -Self Improvement

Subliminal messages have a strong impact on human behavior; that is why all forms of advertisements today use this to influence an audience in order to sell products. These are hidden messages embedded in magazines or commercials that are proven to encourage people to buy products or services being advertised. It is the main reason why people can easily remember advertisements more than the names of people they meet.-Self Improvement

How does a subliminal message work?

Today, there are hundreds of pieces of software & programs that use subliminal messages through rapid presentation of ideas that are impossible to recognize consciously. However, these ideas are designed to leave a mark on the unconscious mind. Anybody can use these programs for as little as 10 minutes a day and they promise wonderful results both personally and professionally.

Subliminal learning has a lot of benefits, some of them are as follows:

1. Research shows that it helps people quit smoking.

2. It improves the quality of life by making people stronger and more confident about themselves.

3. It motivates people and brings positive change in personality.

4. It empowers advertisers to attract a target audience to remember the products and services without being too pushy.

5. Studies show that it is an effective tool to develop a sharp mind.

6. Psychologists use this technique in helping their clients overcome phobias and improve their love life and sensuality.

7. Subliminal learning is an effective tool for self-development and self-improvement.

8. It enhances brain function for better concentration and clear thinking all the time. Experts agree that subliminal messages can be used to increase the IQ level of any person regardless of age.

9. It is proven to enhance memory so people will be better at remembering names and dates. It allows memory to pull out experiences that may seem to have been forgotten and remember them vividly.

10. Famous mathematicians use subliminal learning to fully understand numbers and equations.

11. It boosts self-esteem, so people feel completely confident and grounded at all times. It promotes calmness during trying times or social situations. As a result, people will be more comfortable in making friends and socializing with other people.
12. It also helps professionals by making them feel at ease when delivering speeches or presentations. It helps them relax in front of large groups and capture the interest of their audience.

13. Subliminal messages are also designed to help people develop quick thinking in any given situation so that they can act accordingly.

14. Lastly, it can help people discover their spiritual path. People who lost their psyche because of different reasons can embrace the power of subliminal messages to find the path back to their spiritual beliefs.

Subliminal learning offers many benefits, which is why it is the most sought after method in improving people both personally and professionally.


Everyone needs to feel a sense of self-worth and healthy self-esteem in order to live a successful, contented life. While some people look to others and their material success to gauge their own self-worth, the most important assessment is how you feel about yourself.

There are many things you can do to boost your own self-esteem. By taking the steps to build your own self-worth and well-being, you're practicing the best form of preventative medicine possible.

Here are the top seven ways to radically improve your self-esteem:
1. Do things you love.

The more time you spend doing things you love to do, the better it makes you feel. Doing the things you enjoy causes your brain to produce higher levels of endorphins, which are chemical in the brain that increase your sense of joy and well-being.

Engaging in activities we love also helps us recall other times we've done them, and those memories increase our self-esteem. Our favorite activities are often things we do well, which is a factor in increasing our self-esteem.

2. Strengthen your strengths.

When you exercise your strengths, they become stronger and your self-esteem rises as well. We all like to feel proud of the things we excel at and those things cause us to feel better about ourselves.

Spend time working on, building, and renewing your strengths, and your inner approval rating will soar.

3. Surround yourself with positive people.

Positive energy is like an electrical charge as it spreads from one person to the next. When you spend time in the company of positive people, your own attitude will lift to match theirs, and you'll be charged from their energy.

4. Measure your worth based on yourself, not on others.

Everyone sees the world based on his or her own biases and circumstances. When someone pours negative thoughts on another person, it's a greater reflection on their own deficiencies than the person they're attacking.

Basing your self-esteem on another person's opinions is never a good idea. Instead, take your value from what you know to be the truth about yourself from the inside out, not the other way around.

5. Believe in yourself.

Trust in your ability to achieve whatever you set your mind to accomplish. When you believe that you're capable of attaining your goals, you unleash the ability to do so from deep within you, so trust in the process.

6. Set your thoughts on the things you want to attract.

Albert Einstein determined all things are made of energy and energy attracts more of the same energy. Focusing your thoughts on the things you desire in your life keeps the energy of those things moving toward you.

7. Speak affirming thoughts to yourself.

We've all heard the phrase "act as if." Affirmations work on that principle. Instead of saying, "I want to be happy," say, "I am a happy person." Say it out loud everyday.

You'll begin to reprogram your subconscious to believe it as the truth, and soon you'll be feeling that truth every day.

These simple steps to boost your self-esteem are easy to put into practice in your day-to-day life. Start today and build your self-worth and self-esteem into the foundation of your character. Your life will never be the same.


As a child, you were most likely told, “You are what you eat.” Meaning, a healthy diet and lifestyle makes you a healthier person. But where you ever told, “You are what think”? If you are optimistic, you’ll naturally see the best in every situation. Contrarily, if you are pessimistic, you will find it difficult to see anything good come from a tough situation.


It’s difficult to find something good in a bad situation. We’ve all been there, when it seemed like things couldn’t get much worse than they already were. And yet, just when you think you’re about to see the light of day again, something else bad happens.

What do you do when you faith and hope are tested by “life”? How can you keep holding on to hope and the faith that something good can come out of something bad?

First, you must find something good. No matter how bad things get, there is always someone who is much worse off than you. Start by looking deliberately for the little things that are positive in your life. Concentrate on those only.-Self Improvement


When something bad happens, do you tend to take the weight of the world on your shoulders and bottle it up inside? The more you do this, the greater your risk is of health issues and/or bodily and emotional harm.-Self Improvement

You have to decide to shake it off and keep moving forward. Because if you don’t, if you choose to hold all that negative energy inside yourself, it will build up until you literally explode. Find a way to release the negative thoughts and feelings and make room for the positive ones.

Remember…you are what you think. If you think negative thoughts, you’ll attract more negative energy. If you maintain a positive mindset, you’ll be more likely to attract positivity.


Are you afraid of something? Is there one thing that grips you and causes your knees to shake? If so, you may have a phobia--an abnormal fear of something. Fear is bad enough, but phobias are much worse.-Self Improvement

Phobias are considered abnormal because they are fears that are developed out of a perfectly normal situation. For example, acrophobia is the fear of heights. Not everyone fears heights, and heights are a normal thing. Tall buildings are being constructed. High mountains are being explored. It is not normal to fear these situations. –Self Improvement

Why do people develop phobias? There are lots of reasons. The better question is, “How can I overcome my phobia?” Here are some helpful suggestions: –Self Improvement

1. Determine the real cause of your fear. Rationalize the whole thing. If you can, make a list of everything that you feel about this fear. List what you fear the most and why you fear it. That way, you will be able to shed light on the very thing that makes you shiver. A solution will then be easier to find.

2. Test your fear. Evaluate the level of your fear. Determine at what certain point you feel that fear. Is it at first contact? Is it when you are nearing the object? Once you know this information, you can start training yourself not to fear the object. –Self Improvement

3. Gradually come to terms with your fear. Slowly but surely, try to become more comfortable with the very thing that you fear. If you are afraid of heights, try to climb the stairs in a tall building and look out the window on each floor. If you feel afraid, stop. Try again at another time. Continue to do this until you have reached the topmost floor without feeling the fear anymore. –Self Improvement

4. Control your mind. Fear exists only in the mind. It is just a matter of removing it from there. You have to concentrate and believe that you can overcome your fear. Then, watch your body follow.

5. Get professional help. If you have tried these methods and none have seemed to work, you might need the help of an expert psychologist. These people have spent years helping people overcome every fear they’ve got. They are willing to help you too. –Self Improvement

You can conquer your fears, but you have to take action. The motivation should come from within you and it will involve the work of your mind and your body in one coordinated motion.


Imagine another customer pushes in front of you in the supermarket line. How would you feel?

Or, what if a rude co-worker keeps whining like a spoiled little brat about his miserable life while you are in the middle of a very important project due the next day?

Like a majority of the normal population, you will probably feel very strong emotions such as frustration and anger. So strong, in fact, that it might push you to the brink of losing your temper and letting off steam at unsuspecting individuals
But you don't want this to happen, right? What you want is to let the other person know that you didn't like what he did without coming across as combative, ready to brandish your high-powered firearms at the slightest hint of movement. You want to be assertive, not aggressive. And the way to do this is to employ the following steps. Try it for yourself and see the difference.

The first thing that you have to do is to be ready. This means that you have to prepare yourself for the meeting. Try to imagine how you would want the scene to play out. You should always remember that it should be a calm, peaceful and straight to the point discussion. Strictly no beating around the bush. –Self Improvement

Next, keep an open mind to be able to understand the other person. Focus on his main idea. If there is something that you find erroneous in his statement or logic, keep it in mind but don't interrupt. Let him have the floor and see the situation from his point of view. If you feel that you have been left hanging with his statements, ask him to elaborate.- Self Improvement

Then, make sure you acknowledge the other person's point of view. In the classic diagram of the flow of communication, there should be a speaker, message, listener and feedback. Feedback or acknowledgment is essential in the sense that the communication process is gone if there is no response from the listener.- Self Improvement

Now it's your turn to air your side. Remember the 4 C's. Clear, concise, coherent and complete. Use these C's while explaining your grievances point by point. Do not squeak or ramble. Maintain a steady tone all through the meeting, punctuating it only if the need arises.- Self Improvement

Last but not the least, try to reach an agreement with the other person. You don't have to back down from your statements and apologize. Just be open. Compromise is not a bad word. It doesn't make you less of a mature individual. In fact, it is a win-win option for both sides. It only shows that you are mature enough and ready to meet the other halfway.


Courage is also known as bravery. It is the ability to face fear, pain, danger, uncertainty or intimidation. It is called ‘physical courage’ while facing physical challenges such as pain and hardship and ‘moral courage’ while enduring shame and discouragement.

The opposite of courage is fear. Courage makes your fear disappear. Courage is an important quality or character that you should have in order to face life’s many challenges.

Is it possible for all of us to have courage?

Well, yes. Courage also means overcoming fears. In that sense we all can learn to overcome most of our fears. You should develop courage in yourself first so that you can instill courage in others – your children, your family, your spouse and your staff at work. If you do not know what courage is and you do not have it, how can you possibly teach others?

How do you overcome fears?

Learn to curb your fears. Realize that everyone is afraid of something. Courage does not mean an absence of fear. Courage is control over your fear. A courageous person acts in spite of his fear to move forward. –Self Improvement

Face your fears. Fears disappear the minute you stare at them. Your fear takes over you when you get scared and back away from a fearful situation. The fear looms over you and becomes more powerful. The only way you can develop courage is to be aware of your fear and confront it consciously and continuously. Face each fear-inducing situation as a challenge and your fears become weaker while you grow stronger. –Self Improvement

Desensitize yourself to your fears. There is a technique called ‘systematic desensitization’ which is used to treat phobias and other extreme or erroneous fears based on principles of behavior modification. In this technique, you do a fearful act over and over again until it has no more power over you. Your courage and confidence grow more and more as you repeat the action each time. Finally your fear simply disappears once for all.-Self Improvement

Your action plan in your efforts to overcome fear include the following steps:

Define what courage is in your mind. It can be learning to drive, staying alone at home, going for a walk alone, swimming, etc. People are afraid of so many different things and what is simple to you may not be so for the another person.

Identify your fears. Know and understand your fears first.

Write down a list of all your fears. Be honest with yourself and do not be ashamed of admitting your fear of even the silliest thing in life.
Once your list is done, write down specific actions that you can take in order to overcome those fears.


We all experience some form of change in our lives. This is most evident in the development and growth we undergo from infancy to adulthood. We started out in this world unable to walk or talk and are now reading this article from a computer at work or a fancy laptop at a local coffee shop, while waiting for friends or a meeting to start.

However, while there are changes that come naturally and are, therefore, inevitable, there are those sorts of changes that seem to derail us from the "plans" we have set for ourselves. Not all change is good – that's a fact. Some changes are empowering, but some are also depressing. When the latter happens, most of us just tend to raise our hands in defeat and give up.

However, we shouldn't wave the white flag at challenges so easily. Are you familiar with the sayings, "what does not kill you only makes you stronger," or "we aren't given what we can't bear"? These apply here now. While change is constant and cannot be prevented, we can all find ways to regulate our responses to it, if only to keep our sanity intact.

Here are five suggestions to coping with life changes smoothly.

1. Accept that change is inevitable.

The first step to coping with change is acknowledging that it exists and that it is there. Running away from it and pretending it doesn't exist will only make matters worse. For instance, if all of a sudden the surrogate mom you've been talking to for the past months now backed out and decided not to go through with your deal, it doesn't do well to lock yourself up in your bedroom and cry for a week. Try to resolve the issue with the other person and discuss, calmly, the reasons for the change of heart. –Self Improvement

2. There are many paths to choose from.

If things do not go your way and deviates from your plan, try another way. There are many alternatives if only you become more open to them. When you set a plan, always realize that many things can happen along the way, and that you don't always win. Have a plan B, plan C, plan D, and so forth. Or, even if you don't have contingency plans, acknowledge that you have many other options besides the one you already set your mind to.-Self Improvement

3. Keep a positive attitude.

Sure, change is not always good. However, you can try to make it less painful and stressful by looking at the brighter side of things. So your date cancelled at the last minute? No sweat. At least, now, you have some time to spend with your family or get to enjoy some alone time. Go get a massage or treat yourself to a nice book and a café mocha. Sometimes, when bad changes happen, it is usually to open doors for a new and better event to come along.-Self Improvement

4. You are not alone.

Everyone experiences change. Thus, you should not single yourself out and play hermit. Go out and talk with friends. Enjoy your time. Laugh at the challenges together.

5. Welcome it with open arms.

Again, when one door closes, another one will open. Be ready for it. See the change as an opportunity to be introduced to new things and a chance to make improvements in your life. This is the time to tinker with the things you might have overlooked with your original plan. Savor the moment and smile.


Change is the only thing that is constant in life.

This holds true for every person because change is inevitable. Change can happen anytime, regardless if you are ready or not!

When it occurs, the best thing to do is to confront it head on and get it over and done with. People who run away from change have found themselves frustrated as they find themselves encountering the same problem repeatedly.

Change can be good or bad depending on how it is perceived by the person. An optimist will see change as a challenge or a stepping stone to something greater. A pessimist will see change as a hindrance and will only complain.

It doesn't really matter whether you choose to face change or not, because it will not go away. Any which way you deal with it, change will still have an impact on you right now or in the next few days, weeks, or years.

So how do you handle change? Accept it. Take baby steps but face it head on.

Change can sometimes be annoying because it can be interrelated to another set of changes. Hey, that's how life works. Making a choice is one way of handling change.

Here are some tips on how to handle change:

1. Let it flow

Trying to resist and get around change will only be a futile and frustrating attempt. Instead, what you can do is try to be more flexible. If you have this attitude, you will be able to ride the wave out more smoothly and sanely. Don't swim against the current.-Self Improvement

2. Welcome reactions

It's okay to react to the events that come with change. You have the right to feel happy or sad with whatever is thrown at you. There is a time to celebrate and there is a time to grieve. After the grieving period is over, you will find it easier to handle change. –Self Improvement

3. Purging helps

Talking about your problem provides the opportunity to take its weight off your chest. Have you noticed this? This is because you start becoming immune to the problem. Talking about it will also help you find solutions. Bottling up all your fears, expectations, and emotions will only cost you your sanity. –Self Improvement

4. Never forget the familiar

Change comes one by one and in bits and pieces. Chances are there will still be something from your old life that you can hold onto and cherish while you are trying to handle change. Remember the saying "make new friends, but keep the old"? This applies here.

5. Seek support

If you feel overwhelmed by change, you can always seek ways to temporarily distract you while you think of methods to deal with it. Go out with friends, read a book, and travel. There are a multitude of things that you can do in order to make change more acceptable and less stressful.

To sum it all up, handling change boils down to one thing: acceptance. Once you have accepted the fact that things happen and that these happen for a reason, the easier it will be for you!


Some people value spontaneity. Others crave structure. Still, it will help if you can go through life with direction, and with goals. Goals help in guiding your choices. Purpose underlines everything you do.

So you’re at a new stage in your life. Either you’ve graduated from high school or college, decided to move on from a suffocating job, or just basically at a new stage in your life. You want to plan out the steps you want to take now, and you want to make the best choices that life has to offer.

Get a pen and paper; we have lots of writing to do.

On that piece of paper, put a heading in the center: Mission/Vision.

Take some time to think about this. Take hours. Days. Weeks. It doesn’t matter, but give yourself a deadline. When you have thought it over, write down what you would want to achieve by the end of your life. What do you want to build your life around? Is it to attain certain educational milestones? Earn a certain amount of money? Be a philanthropist? State it under your Mission/Vision. This will be the center theme of your life. You can change it any time you want, but the entire list will be built around this.

Under Mission/Vision, divide the paper into two equal halves. One side will go to Short-term Goals. The other side will go to Long-term Goals.

Under the Short-term Goals, write down everything you want to get done within five years. Under Long-term Goals, write down the milestones you want throughout your life.

In the Short-term Goals, assign the deadlines by which you want these goals done. In the Long-term Goals, assign your age by which you would want to achieve these milestones.-Self Improvement

Now rewrite the entire list in chronological order, then examine your list. Commit to memory your Short-term Goals, and the Long-term Goals you have for this year. If you have trouble remembering your list, use a calendar. A paper one will do, but you can also use a computer program if you have one, or an application in whatever handheld gadget you have (a PDA or cellular phone with reminder or calendar applications will do fine).-Self Improvement

The purpose of this exercise is for you to have a visual representation of your goals. Having a visual representation of your goals heightens the chances that you will commit to seeing them done. Knowing that you have concretized your plans gives you more resolution to stick to these.

But even if you have your plans on paper, you will need to remember that you have to be flexible. Life is fluid, and seldom goes according to plan. But if you really want to reach your goals, despite the shifts in life, you can always revert to your “blueprint” (the paper outline you just made).

Your Mission/Vision, as said earlier, will be the theme driving your choices. This will be the anchor when storms rock your life’s boat. The chain links of your anchor will be your personal values, principles, and your growth in character.-Self Improvement

It will help if you keep a diary to outline the life lessons you’ve learned, and your driving values and principles. When faced with dilemmas, revert to these. It may not make the problems go away, but they will help in making decisions, especially if these decisions tempt you to compromise.

Sail through the sea of life, and remember, you have an anchor when storms come your way.


Wide eyes, pouting lips, smooth skin, shiny hair, white complexion – all of these have become the standards for beauty.

The media has bombarded us with images of supermodels and has attempted to define real beauty for us. Because of this non-stop bombardment, we often forget that each one of us is endowed with our own sense of beauty. –Self Improvement

Your task is to find the beauty within. How do you find it?

Beat stress. Avoid getting to sleep late to prevent the growth of eye bags and premature skin aging. Observe efficient management of your time. Do not accept tasks that you cannot accomplish in the first place. Learn to back off and say “No.” –Self Improvement

Make realistic schedules and provide allowance for rest time. Indulge in weekly sabbaticals to energize yourself. Leave your weekends free to be able to recharge and prepare for the following week. Also, avoid worrying about minor or trivial things that do not concern you. Maintain a healthy dose of humor and laugh all the time, since it helps you cope up with troubles.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Drink a lot of water to speed up the process of cleansing and detoxification. Replace the body liquid that you lose when you perspire. Minimize your intake of fats and exercise daily. Do strenuous physical exercise to release sweat, which is a form of disposing body waste. Ensure regular bowel movements and urination for the same purpose.

Drink fruit juices and milk, which are rich in vitamins that maintain the youthful glow and clarity of skin. Fresh is always the best. However, if this is unavailable, head to the vitamin counter for supplements. Enjoy quiet moments and practice meditation to keep you centered. –Self Improvement

Express your authentic self. If you’re a woman, express your real beauty by wearing less makeup. Expensive cosmetic products are simply a mixture of chemicals prepared for external use to condition and beautify the body. For example, pressed powder is often talc-based and composed of magnesium silicate and zinc oxide. Lacquers are the main ingredients of the nail polish, while synthetic detergents form the basic elements of shampoo. Hence, it is never advisable to use or apply them heavily.

Beauty is a major industry. Breakthroughs in technology resulted in light-diffusing make-up, making people look good physically and in photos as well. The trend nowadays is the “no make-up look” which goes for the natural, fresh, and unmade up appearance. It makes one look younger and more importantly, makes the whole gamut of applying make-up look effortless and easy. Technology boosted this trend by coming up with products that allowed people to have that inner glow and radiance 24 hours a day.

Consider your lifestyle in deciding the beauty products to use. If your job entails fieldwork, you need sun block and products with oil and sweat control. If it entails manual labor, stick to deodorizing soaps and products with antibacterial properties. Meanwhile, if you are an office worker holed up in an air-conditioned office for many hours, you will probably need bath soaps with a lot of moisturizing ingredients. Use lotion or oils to keep the skin soft and smooth. –Self Improvement

Pamper yourself once in a while. Pamper yourself occasionally, but it does not mean you have to dig deep into your pockets and shell out hard-earned money. You may even do it yourself, or at least, with the help of people at your house. Apply warm coconut oil onto your hair and cover with plastic hair wrap. For the skin, use virgin coconut oil and find someone who can massage well.

Bathe daily. Nothing energizes you more than a quick shower in the morning. Water has therapeutic properties. A soak in the tub or warm bath at the end of the day relaxes your nerves. In addition, it removes the dirt accumulated in your hair and skin. Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo, rinse, and apply conditioner. For the skin, use clinically tested soaps or better yet, organic or natural soaps.

Go ahead and indulge! Enjoy life to the fullest and discover the beauty within!


Most of us find it hard to express our feelings, because voicing out what we feel is difficult for most. Oftentimes, when we try to say what we want to say, we end up being tongue-tied, misunderstood, or worse, we end up saying the wrong thing. So instead of risking exposing ourselves to humiliation or rejection, we tend to keep everything to ourselves. Keeping our feelings to ourselves can harm us health-wise. Bottling up emotions has psychological and physical consequences: things that we would do well to avoid.

If you do not want to risk getting rejected, there are ways for you to let go of your emotions without needing to talk to anyone. Below are some suggestions on what you can do to release those bottled-up emotions, minus the criticism you might get if you open up to someone else.

Start a Journal. Keep a journal on hand whenever you need to discharge any emotional turmoil. With today's technology era, where writing using a paper diary is considered passĂ©, creating a blog or online journal is the rage. This is a fun, albeit more public alternative to pen and paper. Whichever you choose, the important thing is that you use the journal as a tool for catharsis. Writing down what you feel purges you of everything you’ve been keeping inside. If you are a person who really craves privacy, don’t leave your (paper) journal lying around. If you chose to make a blog, don’t give your blog's URL or address to anyone. If you are about to talk about a very private, very sensitive issue, it is advisable to use a diary instead, or a blog that has an option for private posts or password-locked content. James W. Pennebaker PhD, author of the book “Opening Up,” stressed that “If we can create a cohesive personal narrative of our lives and if we can link up our emotions with specific events, then we have the power to take control of how those emotions and events affect our lives.” Self Improvement

Engage in Creative Dramatics. This is most advisable if you have your own room. Just face a mirror and talk to yourself on how you feel at the moment. You can even pretend you are talking to the object of your emotions. Say what you want to say, and censor nothing. Who knows, it just may hone your acting skills. Self Improvement

Write a Letter. Are you dying to let this guy know how you feel? Or do you want to confront your parents about how bad you feel about their stringent rules? If you can’t muster enough guts to talk to these significant others face to face, why not write a letter addressed to them? Say everything you want to say then seal and keep it, unless you genuinely want to let them know how you feel.

Unleash Your Creative Side. If you can’t say it, write it. Write it in prose or poetry. However you want to express your feelings, just go and write! You just may have an inner Ernest Hemingway or Elizabeth Barrett Browning in you? According to a study by Boysun and Smyth, “The simple act of writing about bad times can be a potent, and low cost, method of relieving pain and symptoms of chronic illnesses.” Whoever thought writing could be close to a panacea?-Self Improvement

Finding ways to release your emotions in a way that need not involve another is limited only by your imagination. If you are the religious type, and your beliefs involve prayer, you can talk to your Supreme Being about your feelings. If you are of a belief that does not have a concept of a Higher Being, then you can meditate your strong emotions away. The bottom line is that you have an outlet for your emotions. Don't wait for your emotions to be displaced on someone else or for it to eat you up. Express them, and move on. You can never go wrong with that.


Do you believe in synchronicity? Do you believe in ESP? Have you ever felt a strong hunch?

Have you had that eerie feeling that something is about to happen, and to your surprise, it eventually translated to reality?

Welcome to the world of intuition! This is when you feel so strongly about something without a logical explanation. Intuition comes in three forms: clairvoyance or "the third eye", sensing clearly, and feeling through listening.

Clairvoyance refers to the capacity to see beyond what others see. This is when you are able to second guess what is happening somewhere or what is about to happen.

Sensing clearly is what we commonly know as a "hunch" or "gut feeling." This is when you are overwhelmed by a feeling and you can't explain it. All you can say is, "I just know."

On the other hand, feeling through listening or clairaudience is the capacity to "listen" between the lines. Intuition also occurs at times when a certain sound, like car's honk or a bird's twitting - ushers in an intense feeling.

Some groups argue that women have greater intuitive powers than men. Astrologers even insist that people born under the Scorpio or Pisces signs are naturally intuitive (which has never been proven).

Why go thru the trouble of unlocking the powers of intuition? What do you stand to gain?

First, intuition promotes better interpersonal relationships. This is so because intuition makes you more sensitive of the thoughts and feelings of other people. This makes you more conscious of how to convey your messages in such a way that you will not hurt or offend someone. It helps you communicate better, especially with those whom you love, because you are intuitive enough to understand them.

Second, intuition enhances your creativity. Intuition stimulates the release of creative juices as you search for venues of expression. Some intuitive people engage in painting, writing poetry, gardening, sewing, pursue music or drama, etc.

Lastly, intuition helps you find your authentic self that lies buried inside you. In a sense, intuition has healing powers. Although not in the physical sense, it allows you to delve deep into your soul to eradicate some negative energy buried in there.

So, are you ready to develop your intuition? Here are some ways to unlock this gift:

1) Think Positive Thoughts

Worry and fear block your intuitive powers. Improve your intuitive ability by cultivating a worry-free and fear-free state of mind. Stay positive in order to attract good energy and enable yourself to recognize imminent feelings and events.

One of the best ways to attract good energy is to be happy.
Happiness attracts immense power and such power includes intuition. In tapping your intuition, your motivation must be happiness and contentment. Given that premise, you'll enhance your intuition quicker.-Self Improvement

2) Trust A Higher Source and Have Patience

Trust that a higher source knows what is best. Trust means believing that you will get what you are seeking, despite not knowing how. Don't get too stressed out about developing intuition. Relax and let it flow.

After letting go of all the things that stop you from thinking and feeling clearly, never expect an answer right away. Never expect that a "hunch" will fall into your lap immediately. Give it a little time. It'll surprise you. You'll receive that which you are seeking in any number of ways.-Self Improvement

3) Believe in your first impressions.

First impressions last. When meeting people for the first time, be observant of what you feel. One time, I introduced myself to a fellow. Upon our initial handshake, I felt a sense of discomfort or dislike towards that person. As it turned out, he duped his business partner before moving to our neighborhood. Initial impressions are signals to us as intuition.-Self Improvement

4) Work With A Certified Hypnotist

Get yourself hypnotized. Our image of old style hypnosis consists of a pendulum moving back and forth. Work with an expert. The internet can be a source of hypnotic programs that can strengthen your intuition.

5) Meditation

Technically, meditation is being in the alpha state. Meditation allows you to find inner peace. Those who are new to this may opt for a guided meditation. There are books and tapes on this topic.

Meditation is a technique to clean the clutter out of your mind and heart and unload you of the hurt buried deep within you. A cluttered mind makes it difficult for intuition to show thru. There are so many ways to meditate: take a yoga class, or just simply practice some breathing that can bring you straight to Zen.

Intuition is helpful and practical. It can sometimes facilitate the achievement of your dreams and goals. Many find it easier to make decisions when relying on this gift. It can even save lives.

Develop your intuition now and reap benefits you have never imagined.


What is life without a string of challenges and problems thrown into your lap? Everyone faces challenges in life, regardless of age, gender, economic status, etc. Right from a young age up to a ripe old age everyone faces challenges almost everyday in life. The bigger your life’s goal, the greater your challenge. Facing and overcoming any problem requires some amount of maturity, understanding and a solid strategy. –Self Improvement

Here are my top 4 tips to face your challenges in life:

1. Learn to forget the problem and focus only on solutions. Well, forgetting the problem certainly doesn't make it just disappear! But if you temporarily take your mind off the problem, you will save yourself a lot of unnecessary anxiety. Unwanted stress only leads to your wasting energy. Instead, spend your energy looking for ways to solve the problem.

A majority of us just freeze when we are faced with challenging situations. However, if we immediately look for solutions, the problem may clear up a whole lot quicker. Not to say it'll be a "cake-walk", but with some self-awareness and a positive attitude you will learn to find your way through problems. When you are posed with your next problem, set aside your emotions, understand the problem and search for a solution right away.-Self Improvement

2. Get help by reaching out to friends and family. Let go of your ego. Let go of your shame. Ask for help. You'll be surprised at the way people receive you with love and concern. That's what family and friends are for! Additionally, support groups are available online and in your community for almost every problem you can think of. There are support groups for addictions, seniors, single parents, parenting, marriage, education, health and religion… just about anything. When you have a problem don't just think you are all alone. When you get in touch with these support groups, you will realize that you aren't the only one being tested by life’s challenges. You can share each other’s experiences and shoulder each other’s problems through these support groups. You can search for support groups on the internet, call an expert, look in the newspaper, a magazine, talk to people, etc. Support groups can give you a ton of strength and courage to fight your challenges.

3. Act now! - ‘Now’ is the best time to tackle your challenges. Many people think and think and think and talk about it all the while, but they do not move an inch towards a solution. What good is that? When you see a challenge, take action immediately. You'll waste precious time if you wait around or wait for someone else to start dealing with your issues. Charge up your self-confidence. Put on your resilience shield. Then fight your problems head on before they continue to build up inside you! The faster you act, the faster the problems gets solved. –Self Improvement

4. Practice patience and perseverance - Nobody is a born professional at solving problems. Each time a problem challenges you it is a new experience and it takes time to solve. You can act wisely by learning patience, persistence and practicing perseverance in order to learn from your pattern of problems. This is a good way to draw up your strategies and act accordingly. Before you know it, you will be a master at dealing with any challenge thrown in your lap.